CLAN OF THE CATS by Jamie Robertson
Chelsea Chattan, a witch living in New York City, returns home only to find out that she is the victim of an ancient family curse. This malison transforms Chelsea into a Panther whenever the moon is full, or she gets really pissed off. Aside from this malady, Chelsea is also finding out that she is no ordinary witch, but a sorceress with great power. Now, under her Grandmother's tutorage, she must learn the ways of magic and how to use it. She must also learn to balance witchcraft with an ordinary life that is becoming less ordinary moment by moment.
Start With The First Strip!

Welcome, and thanks for visiting Keenspot's Bikeeni Summer 2002! As with past years (this is the third year for this annual event!), this site will be host to various pin-ups and pictures created by many of the 40+ Keenspot artists. This section is the place to look to find information and news about this site, as well as the latest on any updates and additions. Again, thanks for stopping by...

Tuesday, July 23th
Hey! Look! What do you know, more updates!!!

Monday, June 17th
Summer officially begins on June 20th, and to celebrate its arrival, here are some brand-new pin-ups...

Tuesday, May 21st
Four new pin-ups for todays update...

Monday, May 6th
Here is the second batch of pin-ups. This group includes artwork from creators of Lizard (and Purple Pussy), Greystoneinn, S.S.D.D., Wandering Ones and there are more pinups from the creators of College Roomies From Hell!!!, Elf Life, Fans!, and Fat Jesus.

Two other things... I've created a new page that lists all of the pin-ups featured on this site! CLICK HERE to check it out. And I'm working on a "fan-art" page, so if you have some Bikeeni fan art, please send it my way...

Wednesday, May 1st
Well, this is it. Summer officially begins today. Here is the first batch of pin-ups. In addition to the artists I mentioned last week, this group also includes artwork from creators of Alice!, Clan of the Cats, College Roomies From Hell!!!, Fans!, and Fat Jesus. More pin-ups will be coming soon!...

Thursday, April 25th
The site is almost ready to go. The official launch day for the site is set for Wednesday, May 1st, and the first batch Bikeeni artwork will include pin-ups from the artists who draw Avalon, Wendy, Elflife, Exploitation Now, FunnyFarm, Gene Catlow, Help Desk, It's Walky, and the Mr. Chuck Show! See you in a week,,,

Bikeeni 2002 website design & artwork by j. myers
When you're done here, check out john's comic: The Mr. Chuck Show
All images © by respective artists. All rights reserved. All lefts reserved too.